why in all holy hell is this blog site advertising JLO panties on my blog? WHHHHHHYYYYY??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is it my name or my subject matter that tipped them off? man, "they" are smart and quick.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
post transplant

it really is true that during a crisis the filtering in your brain seems to focus only on certain things. during my initial meetings to get me on the transplant list, my mind was more worried about whether i had enough underwear with me in california while i waited for a donor. no thinking about whether i was gonna survive, not what the recovery was gonna be like, not the financial hardships i'm gonna endure for the rest of my life, not the really important things that i should have listed to ask the transplant social worker and doctors. nope, all i could think about was that i was gonna have to have my grandparents send me clothes (since my mom was with me...and just as shell-shocked) and how they were gonna have to go through my panty drawer. now, it's not as if i had anything really racy or anything...but i'm sure 80+ year olds aren't that used to to thongs and such not too mention the colors that are available in this day and age. the social worker and the docs are discussing all the important stuff i need to know about transplantation and all i hear is blah blah blah.
because of the newest dissection that prompted the rush to get on the transplant list, i was suppose to not stress about anything. i was a ticking time bomb unitl i got a new heart. it was a miracle that the latest dissection hadn't cause another heart attack or immediate death. and here i was stressing about panties. i didn't know why i was stressing about something so STUPID. but my mind was stuck on it. deep down inside me i had all the confidence in the world with my transplant team and dissection doctor. they weren't flippin' out on the operation so i wasn't gonna either...except i was flipping out on the whole underwear issue.
so, to stop all the stress i was putting on myself and possible future embarrassment when i next saw my grandparents...i decided to save money and go "commando." :-D just kiddin'. i do believe in keeping things simple and stress free now and in the end i said c'est la vie and had them pack some stuff up (including panties) and send them to me. i'm sure my grandmother, whom i hope was the one to actually pack my stuff (go to your happy place, jen), wasn't too shock on my under garments. i mean...she didn't die from shock and is still alive. by the time i came home and saw them...the pain i was enduring put things in perspective on this panty issue. bfd.
i'm pretty sure i caught a glimpse of a thong on my grandmother recently when she wore her white dress pants to dinner one evening. ;-) but i'm NOT gonna bring it up....going to my happy place now.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
my first post

now...i don't know why i'm so nervous in writing this first posting. what the hell?! and of course now i don't know what to say. it's been suggested by family members (linhsean) and friend's of mine at work (may) that i should start a blog so that people in my life can keep abreast of me and my recovery. it's really weird to be doing this but it makes sense. this way, i don't have to keep inundating people with emails. now if they do get emails from me...they know it's regarding something REALLY important and they need to read IMMEDIATELY! ok...maybe not immediately but i'm sure y'all anxious to know if that girl in india survived her operation to remove her 4 extra limbs. yeah? i'm still waiting to hear if the mother mated with an octopus. ;-D
so, here are my rules/guidelines to my blog:
- if u find any misspellings, it's because of the medications (meds) i'm on. :-D that's my excuse and i've got a doctor's note to prove it! so be friggin' gentle when correcting me on that and my grammar. and i wanna be corrected. it's the only way to learn.
- also know that i will be using "texting"-speak in which i may abbreviate some words. such as: u=you, yr=your. when i get tired or if my thoughts are running faster than my hands, that's when u'll see the "texting." of course i can only do this on a computer but not on my cell. :- {
- i will try to keep the swearing down to a minimum. there is no friggin' way i can totally eliminate it...but i can tone it down...a bit.
- i would love feedback at any time from anyone...unless it's from cousin mac. :-D jus' kiddin'! if the background on my blog is making it too hard to read...let me know. if you have old photos (tasteful not porno) of you and i and you want to post them on my site , send them to me and i'll do it. or you can post them...i think...not sure how that works since this is all new to me.
- if you have any suggestions on past stories i've shared with u and u think it should be posted, let me know which ones and i'll put it up there. or write up the story in your version...but only if you have time. i know how busy u are and want to make this site a place u can find a laugh, chuckle, or groan.
- i like to write in small caps. it seems less formal...more of conversation...like "talking story" at a bbq or luau.
p.s. hope u like the picture on my first posting. it's from an aunty of mine who is only 10 years older than me. i was totally "under the influence" of my older and wiser family members and was "forced" to hold the bottle. i did it for free. :-} now, when i "served" the drinks at that age during the poker parties...that's when i charged. ;-D wanna beer? 5 cents please.
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